Land Decolonized Podcast
Welcome to Land Decolonized! This Indigenous podcast explores the practical side of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management. Created for First Nations communities and anyone interested in learning more about land governance outside of the Indian Act. The Land Decolonized podcast is brought to you by the First Nation Land Management Resource Centre and supported by the First Nation Land Advisory Board.
Land Decolonized Podcast
Samantha Noganosh, Magnetawan First Nation, ON Ep.29
Samantha Nogonash, former Deputy Chief and current Land Manager of the Magnetawon First Nation Samantha shares a wonderful on-the-ground perspective on day-to-day land management. Having been operational with a land code for the past 6 years, Magnetawan has made turtles a priority for their environmental protection activities and believes Land Decolonized ultimately means community control and collective decision making.
We want to thank everyone who joined us for a successful Season 1 of the podcast! We will be back with our first show of Season 2 in Fall 2021.
1:40 Samantha Noganosh talks about her role as deputy chief and now lands manager. She will focus totally on that by not running in the upcoming band election.
2:35 Why was she so intrigued about land management? Elders helped push her along after college.
3:28 Magnetawan is celebrating its 6th anniversary with land code.
4:09 Its land code was amended to account for a transmission line extension and future development opportunities.
5:15 Samantha talks about establishing a lands committee and the challenges around the Covid-19 pandemic. Needed to move to more online communications.
5:54. A brief chat about community health during the pandemic. Currently at 72% vaccination rate (fully.)
6:28 Band is located on the eastern shore of Georgian Bay, about three hours north of Toronto. A hot spot for wildlife and species at risk.
7:00 Species at risk was a huge motive for taking more control of their land, plus future business opportunities. Highway 69 widening was also an issue. Wanted to help reduce the turtle kill on the highway.
8:53 With the highway widening it should bring new economic opportunities.
9:18 Huge thanks to FNLMRC for its assistance and also to other national contacts.
9:50 Sees benefits to community and congratulates other 100 communities.
10:15 Land decolonization means community control and community decision-making. Land code helps with collective decision-making.
12:00 Samantha comments on land code being "one of community's most historic events."
12:34 Protecting turtles was focus of one of the new laws created on environmental protection. Band was compensated by a law-breaker by receiving turtle incubators. Has moved into a new office with a laboratory to help the turtles along.
14:20 Check out their Facebook page!
14:39 Richard promotes band website and mentions summer break with the podcast returning in September 2021.
Magnetawan First Nation website
Magnetawan Lands & Resources Facebook Page (highlights turtle program)
First Nations Land Management Resource Centre